
About PriDE

PriDE is the Java world’s smallest object-relational mapper for SQL databases. O/R mapping is the wide-spread approach to map records of a relation SQL database to objects of an object-oriented application. The application should operate on its persistent entities as object-oriented as possible, not regarding that some of them come from a database or must be saved in one. PriDE provides functionality to

While O/R mapping is usually based on single-object operations, PriDE also supports efficient database mass processing within Java. The goal is to avoid shifting application logic into procedures within the database as far as possible and not to break the DRY principle. However, if stored procedures and functions are required sometimes, PriDE provides a convenient way to call them.

PriDE was designed for usage in JSE and JEE environments and is used identically everywhere except some initialization operations and the transaction management. The framework follows a very pragmatic approach to provide basic development support quickly and easily. It does not claim to conform with established persistence management standards but follows common design patterns and proved to be suitable in mission-critical projects over many years. The detailed feature list may help to figure out whether PriDE meets the requirements of individual development projects, and allows to roughly compare this toolkit with existing well-known O/R mapping products and standards like JPA, JOOQ or MyBatis.

PriDE is so small that it can actually be understood in any single line of its code, providing the developer full control over how data is exchanged between an SQL database and a Java application. The runtime library is less than 200 kByte in size without any dependencies beside the JDBC driver library of the database in use.

Did you ever wonder how to conveniently access your SQLite database in a mobile application which has to keep its footprint small? Well, here is your answer :-)

Or did you ever worked in a multi-million lines of code project and got the feeling that JPA magic causes more loss of control than convenience? Guess what the alternative may be.

The chapter PriDE design principles gives an overview about the concepts which the framework is based on. However, before diving into more theory, it is recommended to walk through the quick start tutorial and get into touch with the real world.

About this manual

This manual gives you a complete overview about PriDE’s standard functionality, design patterns and design principles. It is not mandatory to work through all the details unless you want to become an expert. However, it is strongly recommended to begin with the quick start tutorial as many code fragments in other chapters come back to the quick start example. The chapters Find and Query and Insert, Update, and Delete describe the core functionality you should become familiar with. All other chapters describe special aspects which you can dive into, when the time has come.

Many code fragments in this manual refer to existing example code which is available in an appropriate repository on GitHub. The repository includes a pom.xml file to run all examples on a local SQLite database. To have all source code at your fingertips at any time it is recommended to

At March 2019, the PriDE 3 manual is still work in progress. Beside the core chapters above there are chapters coming soon for the following aspects

Calling Stored Procedures

PriDE Design Principles

A good information source for features which are not yet covered by this manual are PriDE’s unit tests which you can find on GitHub. You may also consult the manual from PriDE version 2 which is available on SourceForge.